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Recently, I have truly understood how much your faith can grow and the depths you can take your faith. Faith is so personal, my life experiences have taught me how to believe, even in darkness and how to stay hopeful. It hasn’t always been easy, but I truly believe without faith I wouldn’t be able to stay positive, strive for different perspectives and outlook on things or be hopeful (or even exist tbh).

What is faith?

According to Google, there are two definitions of faith:

‘Complete trust or confidence in someone or something’ and ‘Strong belief in the doctrines of religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof’

To have the ability to believe in something wholeheartedly is what I truly believe keeps your soul alive and enables you to build spiritual esteem. With strong conviction, it can often make it easier to follow things through or hold on even when the odds may be stacked against you as your willpower can truly override adversity, only if you let it. 

Growing your faith

In my head, faith is like a savings account. I constantly have to put money aside and ensure I am invested in the account for it to grow. Every time I add to the account, I am assured and feel at ease because I know that it is growing and I can always rely on the account on a rainy day and come back to it, whenever I see fit. If I do not invest in the account, it will not grow therefore I become more anxious and worried as I have little to rely on and am constantly in despair about whether it will ever grow due to the lack of investment I’m making. 

With experience, faith can also grow as you can look back to see where you may have fallen short, or times when you believed there was no way out but somehow, you managed to get through and still standing. This builds spiritual esteem and adds to the bank of faith because there are proven points in your life where you have come out and can make real references. The issue is sometimes we don’t take time to sit and analyse our lives and realise that it’s not all doom and gloom and sometimes the power comes from within (practising gratitude can help with this). 

‘Own understanding’

‘Lean not unto thine own understanding’ - Proverbs 3: 5-6.

The human mind is conditioned to constantly create and solve problems. Sometimes our bad experiences can make us feel depleted and affect our ability to see numerous endless possibilities. When we’ve fallen on our faces and have had to repeatedly nurse our scars or wounds, it’s difficult to believe that our wounds will heal or that one day our scars will fade. Our minds can often trick us and make us believe that what is happening is the be-all and end and that there is no way out. This can be very limiting and is the beginning of the path to despair.

Having faith is accepting what is visible right now but believing that things can and will get better. It’s knowing that at the end of the day, the day ends and in life just as there are many different seasons, there can also be many different outcomes to a situation which may feel stagnant. Submitting to the unknown can be liberating as it enables us to not be so tunnel vision and let go of how we think things should be. When you are open to possibilities and committed to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel this naturally fosters a more hopeful path and draws good karma.   

By faith and not by sight

As I grow older and my faith grows, I have learned to truly understand what it means to walk by faith and not by sight.

For example, sometimes what we see isn’t always the full picture, people can appear happy or paint a very good picture. Social media is a prime example of this as people tend to post the best snippets of their lives and hardly show the raw, hard truths that they may be facing alone. Sometimes you may see the happiest couple, who you want to quickly label ‘goals’ but behind closed doors, the couple may be enduring things that you cannot fathom. I relate this to walking with faith and not sight because, for me, faith is the bigger picture, it’s things we don’t see or know. If I constantly relied on sight I wouldn’t be stable or know peace as I would always be ruminating and my mind would not be at ease, my attention would constantly be shifted and my focus would be all over the place.

Leading with faith can bring a level of peace and calm to the mind and allow you to be in a state where your focus is on growing and the inner works. 

Blind Faith

There is no faith without works. As previously mentioned, faith is an investment and to truly reap her benefits you have to make those sacrifices so that she can grow. To choose optimism and positivity every day requires strength and endurance. To be able to stay calm amid adversity is no mean feat but always worth it. 

C O N S I D E R . . .

Mind - Always think of the bigger picture no matter the situation. 

Body - Taking time to practice gratitude is the key to living a life full of abundance.  

Soul - Where there is a will there is a way.

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